​Q. How does our firm sign up to participate in Real Estate Wednesdays?
A.To participate, go to “REGISTER TO RING” on the menu bar and complete the fillable form.
​​Q. What days and dates do we ring?
A. Real Estate Wednesdays participating firms commit to ring from 11AM to 7PM on Wednesdays, after Thanksgiving through Christmas. (See: Captain Guidelines)
​Q. Do I have to ring for 8 hours?
A. No. Normally, scheduling works best in 2-hour shifts. (See: Captain Guidelines)
​Q. How can we select a location?
A. Determine a convenient location by cross-streets and zip code and the number of kettles (doors) your group can ring. If you have a preference of a store or stores, please include this information in your application. This information will be provided to The Salvation Army coordinator who will coordinate the scheduling of the location with The Salvation Army corps and your firm. If the store request is included in your application, The Salvation Army will do its best to accommodate the request. (See: Captain Guidelines)
​Q. What are the duties of a “captain”?
A. The “captain” is the primary contact and coordinator with The Salvation Army and is responsible for overseeing the recruitment and scheduling of the firm’s individual bell-ringing volunteers. (See: Captain Guideliness)
​Q. When will we find out how much money we have raised for The Salvation Army?
A. Results will be emailed to the captains of each firm within 48 to 72 hours after the event. Captains have the responsibility to communicate the results to their individual bell-ringing volunteers. (See: Captain Guidelines)
​Q. What clothing will our volunteers wear?
A. Volunteers should wear clothing representative of their profession. Shirts, blouses and pins with company names and logos are encouraged. The Salvation Army will also provide aprons and volunteer pins. Your firm will have logo recognition in signage on the kettle stand. (See: Captain Guidelines)
​Q. Is it okay to have family and friends ring?
A. This would be a decision made by your firm as a major benefit of participation is the exposure of your firm to the community. The Salvation Army, however, welcomes all volunteers.
​Q. Who are the contacts at The Salvation Army for the coordination with our firm?
A. Please reach out to Col Shawn Posillico: Shawn.Posillico@usw.salvationarmy.org
(See: Captain Guidelines)
​Q. What will they find when our volunteers arrive at the store to ring?
A. Your first volunteers will find the kettles, stands, aprons, bells, etc. at either the assigned door(s), inside of the assigned door(s), or at the customer service counter of the store(s). Many times the stand will be at the door and the bells, aprons, kettles, etc. will be at the customer service counter. Occasionally, the driver will arrive as the volunteers arrive to ring. Please allow 15-20 minutes to allow for heavy traffic. The cell phone number of The Salvation Army contact will be on the stands or kettles. (See Bell-Ringing Guidelines and Captain Guidelines)
​Q. At the end of the final shift, how do we deliver the kettles to The Salvation Army?
A. The Army will pick up the kettles by 7PM on each Wednesday. Please allow 15-20 minutes in case of heavy traffic. In some cases, the kettles will be picked up prior to 7PM to accommodate a scheduled route. (See Bell-Ringing Guidelines and Captain Guidelines
​Q. How do we recruit volunteers?
A. 100% of the funds raised during the red kettle campaign stay in the local community where they are donated to support local social service programs.
Participation elevates the public image and perception of our real estate industry as a cooperative and caring group.
Participation in Real Estate Wednesdays will help us to connect and reconnect with our clients and the community we serve. (See: Captain Guidelines)
​Q. How do we approach store shoppers?
A. A smiling, enthusiastic volunteer always produces more revenue and better relationships with store clientele. Please refrain from soliciting or asking for donations, but always thank the donor for their contribution, no matter the amount. Do not make people feel guilty for not giving. (See Bell-Ringing Guidelines)
​Q. Will there be signage for our firm?
A. The Salvation Army will provide a sign with the name and logo of your firm attached to the kettle stands. You are welcome to display a small sign as long as it is not too large or overwhelming. Also, event signage will be provided. (See: Captain Guidelines)
​Q. Will there be recognition for volunteer activity of our firm?
A. A certificate of appreciation will be provided to your firm after the bell-ringing season. Certificates will be available for individual bell-ringers upon request if the names are provided. In addition, a listing of all volunteers will be published in the Arizona Republic newspaper. (See: Captain Guidelines)
​Q. Why is ringing the bells important for the firm and the volunteer?
A. This is a wonderful community relationship opportunity for your firm and for the individual volunteer. It is a great way for the employees of the firm to bond and to establish a new holiday tradition.